Tirupur dyeing factories have remind shut down since February 2011. Tirupur garment industry has been badly affected by the non functioning of Tirupur dyeing units. There are literally very minimal support from the then Tamilnadu government, Mean while a new government in Tamilnadu took charge and seems to very keen to solve the problem.
Now the government has selected two technology to used as solution for low cost and practicable technology for zero discharge of dyeing effluents. on that basis first technology has been allowed to be tested on a trail basis in the arulpuram common effluent plant and results will be known with in 2 to 3 months from now. In the mean time a team will visit and analysis an another nano - technology which is been currently used in Gujarat. In case the technology which is test in arulpuram common plant fails the nano-technology will be tested. Only based on the trail run results further course of action will be proposed.
The Tamilnadu government has announced a 200 cr interest free loan for the dyeing units to upgrade the effluent treatment plants. It’s has estimate that about 10 cr for a common effluent treatment will be provided. There are about 20 plants are present in Tirupur so 200 crores in total support from Tamilnadu government. The central government has already promised to support with 160 crores and therefore Tamilnadu government will effectively support with 40 crores.
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