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Monitoring Chinese Textile Imports to US

Written By Views maker on October 08, 2008 | 10/08/2008

The U.S. textile industry has put pressure on the U.S. Government to expand the Textile Monitoring Program (TMP), currently in place on apparel imports from Vietnam, to cover imports from China as well. The program should take start to cover U.S. textile and apparel imports from China beginning on January 1, 2009, the first day following the expiration of U.S.-China textile bilateral signed in 2005. The TMP currently monitors U.S. apparel imports from Vietnam for illegal dumping. Extending the TMP program to China once safeguards expire will provide the U.S. government with the necessary resources to effectively track China's import and pricing practices. This will enable it to react quickly if China illegally dumps its imports into the U.S. market and harms our domestic workforce, as well as the vulnerable in developing countries